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who holds the knife

who holds the knife



When we balance on what you see as the inevitable

One is bound to feel overwhelmed 

Staring down in the void

The feeling of instability lingering


You look off ...


You hear voices in your sleep

You see them as you drift in and out

You claim we aren’t alone

You don’t know it’s just you and me


You look to me...


You call me beautiful

You see the world through my enlarge pupils

You are infatuated 


You see me bloodied

You see me with clothes tattered

You see me with the knife


I look to you...


I see perfection

I cling to you like no other

I see my world in you

I look away and all that remains is darkness


I see you hazy and worlds away

I see fear riddled in your eyes

I see you exhausted on this perilous journey


We look around

We’re still here

We’ve been here all along

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