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US Supreme Court Overturns Roe V Wade 
& We Won't Back GSO Protest

June 28, 2022


Downtown Greensboro, NC

Photo by Logan Forbis

June 27, 2022

Abortion Bans by State updated 9/14/22

Greensboro, NC-


On June 24th, 2022 the US Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade.


The decision sparked an uproar in millions of people across the country.


Within hours of the decision being released people took to social media posting a variety of things on the topic. Some expressed outrage. Some shared resources. Some shared their own stories of abortions and how critical that right to choose was for them.


Soon, WE WON'T GO BACK (figure one), a website and organization group created by Pro Choice activists, was created. This site made it possible for those who felt power in protesting to find the nearest one.


In Greensboro, North Carolina, hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the Guilford County Courthouse on June 27th to speak out against the decision. 


I grew up in Greensboro, NC and often come home for the summers. Despite the fact that Roy Cooper thankfully upheld the right to choose in North Carolina I knew I still wanted to go protest.


Prior to the protest I had experienced anger over the Supreme Court’s Decision. When I attended the protest my anger quickly subsided and turned into sadness. 


There are individuals out there who will die because of Roe V Wade being overturned. A generation that will grow up, in some states, not having the right to choose what to do with their own body.


Men, women, and non-binary people of all ages came to the Protest to show their support. I saw a mother crying, holding her newborn, a man who painted “abort the court” on his dog (figure two), all while the crowd was repeatedly chanting “What do we want? Human rights. When do we want them? Now!”


History on the right to choose -


Roe V Wade had protected abortion rights of women across the country since the 7-2 decision on January 22, 1973. The ruling was made in reference to the 14th amendment, due process.


With the ruling those who can bear children had the liberty to terminate a nonviable pregnancy, and the ability to terminate a viable pregnancy that posed threats to their health or life.


Those opposed to Roe however continued working to limit access to abortion.


In 1992 Planned Parenthood VS Casey was brought to the Supreme Court. 

The case was brought by several abortion providers against the Governor of Pennsylvania, Robert Casey. The providers were concerned with roadblocks set up to burden those seeking abortions. 


In a 5-4 vote the Supreme Court upheld the decision of Roe. They deemed substantial obstacles put in the way of someone getting an abortion was an undue burden and reiterated the unconstitutional nature of not giving the individual a right to choose in a non-viable pregnancy.


Current Abortion Rights Across the US-


Now abortion laws have been left up to the state. As of September 14, 2022:


For reference:

  • Most find out they’re pregnant between 4-7 weeks along

  • A full term pregnancy is 38 weeks 

  • A fetus has a likelihood of surviving outside of the womb after 24 weeks of gestation


Alabama: completely banned

Alaska: still legal

Arizona: banned after 15 weeks

Arkansas: completely banned

California: still legal

Colorado: still legal

Connecticut: still legal

Delaware: legal until the pregnancy is viable 

Florida: banned after 15 weeks


Georgia: banned after 6 weeks


Hawaii: legal until the pregnancy is viable


Idaho: banned with exceptions for incest, rape, and life threatening circumstances


Illinois: legal until the pregnancy is viable unless health is in danger 


Indiana: banned with exceptions for incest, rape, and life

threatening circumstances


Iowa: banned after 20 weeks


Kansas: banned after 20 weeks


Kentucky: completely banned


Louisiana: completely banned


Maine: still legal


Maryland: banned after 24 weeks


Massachusetts: banned after 24 weeks 


Michigan: still legal


Minnesota: still legal


Mississippi: completely banned


Missouri: completely banned


Montana: still legal


Nebraska: banned after 20 weeks


Nevada: banned after 24 weeks


New Hampshire: banned after 24 weeks

New Jersey: still legal


New Mexico: still legal


New York: banned after 24 weeks


North Carolina: banned after 20 weeks


North Dakota: completely banned


Ohio: banned after 6 weeks


Oklahoma: banned with exceptions for incest, rape, and life

threatening circumstances


Oregon: still legal


Pennsylvania: banned after 23 weeks


Rhode Island: still legal


South Carolina: banned after 22 weeks


South Dakota: completely banned


Tennessee: completely banned


Texas: completely banned


Utah: banned with exceptions for incest, rape, and life

threatening circumstances


Vermont: still legal


Virginia: banned after 27 weeks


Washington: banned after 24 weeks


West Virginia: just voted to completely ban


Wisconsin: banned after 22 weeks


Wyoming: banned after 24 weeks

Washington DC: still legal


Moving Forward:


As journalists, we are supposed to remain unbiased in our reporting. However, this is an issue I feel I cannot remain unbiased on.


I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V Wade. I mourn already for the lives that will be lost for many reasons due to this choice. 


Know that through all your feelings in this, you are not alone. If you or someone you loved needs access to an abortion there are resources avalible, including but not limited to:

Abortion Finder

National Abortion Federation


Figure One

We Won't Go Back, Website


Figure Two

Dog with "Abort the Court" painted on

Video from Greensboro, NC Protest

Video by Logan Forbis

Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 5.08.56 PM.png

Abortion Pill Resource

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